Text Editors with decent Grammar Tools

This is another blog post lifted wholesale out of my weekly newsletter. I do this when I get a bit verbose to keep the newsletter brief. The newsletter is becoming a blog incubator, which I’m okay with. A reminder about that newsletter The newsletter is emailed every Friday - subscribe here, and is archived and available via RSS a few days later. I talked a bit about the process of setting up the newsletter on episode 34 of Linux Matters Podcast. [Read More]

Application Screenshots on macOS

I initially started typing this as short -[ Contrafibularities ]- segment for my free, weekly newsletter. But it got a bit long, so I broke it out into a blog post instead. About that newsletter The newsletter is emailed every Friday - subscribe here, and is archived and available via RSS a few days later. I talked a bit about the process of setting up the newsletter on episode 34 of Linux Matters Podcast. [Read More]